Hi all! In an effort to provide transparency, hold myself accountable, and post some fun agenting-related content, I've decided to start a blog on my website!
Here's a non-exhaustive list of the types of posts you might see on here:
New Client Announcements/Interviews
Deal Announcements
Opening/Closing to Queries Announcements
Bonus MSWL content (song playlists, Pinterest boards, etc)
Monthly Wrap-Ups/Statistics
Agenting Goals/Plans/Updates
I previously have used my Twitter/X account for sharing major agenting updates and information, and I will continue to do so, but I want this blog to be an option for people who don't use that platform and can't access the information I've shared there. Additionally, this blog is much better for longer-form posts without a word count limit or split threads!
I'm excited for this new little addition, and hope you'll find it insightful as well!